Články v kategórii Kope vás múza
The rest of the day he tried to avoid Timotej. What was he supposed to do ? The only thing he was able to do was ignore him.But not as well as he thought.Because of MINIE!Principal of school.She gave Beast Boy a project to do with...Timotej. When Minie said his name, first of all, he almost got a…
„Why is he doing this to me ? He's like a kid ! He's happy when he provoke others. But why is he so handsome when he does it ?! That stupid dream! I can't stop thinking pbout Timotej. SH@T! But I swear, when he smiles I forget how to breath. NO NO NO! I HAVE TO STOP IT! But how...?He couldn't help…
He was scared. It can't be true ?! He don't...he can't. They are just friends... „It was a DREAM YOU IDIOT!"Beast Boy screamed on himself.„But what if...NO! STOP IT! Just go to school and forget it! Am I talking to myself? Nice..."He went to school and he tried to forget his dream but it didn't…
...Beast Boy...Beast Boy...„...Timotej ?"Beast Boy...Beast Boy...„This voice...IT'S NOT TIMOTEJ!"Aww you thought I was Timotej ?„What did you do to him ?!"You are so worrying about him. How cute. But...who is he to you ?„What kind of question is it ?! I'm trying to be his friend!"Friend ? How do…
Mama. „Len“ jedno slovo. „Len“ dve slabiky. „Len“ štyri písmená. A i tak pre mňa znamenáš život. Znamenáš pre mňa život doslova. Veď si predsa tá, ktorá ma 9 mesiacov nosila vo svojom brušku. Si presne tá, ktorá ma nosila pod svojím srdcom Nie je to však len to, že si mi dala život.…
Ty si jediný,kto prináša svetlo do tmy,v ktorej sme uväznení. Ty si jediný, kto prináša lásku do nenávisti,ktorá ľúbiť nám bráni. Ty si jediný,kto skutočne milovať viea učí nás milovať tiež.