Kope vás múza
22.02.2007 - 13:45

That´s why I feel for you

That´s why I feel for you.........

Trying to be strong all the time
altough that crime
make me torn
but I cannot give up
´cause I know
there´s need to do what is right
but I´m still afraid.....
´cause nobody´s by my side

I wanna fly towards up
but the others hold me down
I wanna love you
but those other still attack.........on me
Please it´s enough if you would love me
Really love me.........so true
Listen babe........I love you!

Today is a sad day
´cause I hadn´t seen you
But I still pray
Once I´ll be with you!
Trying to be fine
but it´s not enough
when feeling is different
How does end and begin
this event?

I wanna look to your eyes
and make you feel nice
I wanna make you happy
so please let me
love you
Yes I will do..........



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Tato basen nam zase pripomina inu melodiu, s inymi akordami a aj od inej skupiny. Opat si ale si nevieme presne spomenut na pesnicku - a ani na skupinu. Ale to chce cas, respektive peniaze - podla zanmeho time is money. Zajtra si kupime knihu s nazvom: Slovensky big-bit - alebo tak nejako. Iro Balaz, solovy gitarista a spevak kosickej kapely s nazvom: The High Brow, tam napisal nieco o tejto skupine - a aj s ukazkami z repertoire tejto skupiny. Ked si to precitam, tak tam pravdepodobne najdem aj nazov tejto pesnicky. Preco to s takouto istotou tvrdim uz dopredu? Nuz aj ja som bol clenom tejto kapely - ako akordicky gitarista a spevak.

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