Kope vás múza
19.02.2007 - 09:40

My english poetry....

I´ ll be there

Words that cut into depth
When you´ve gone right you should go left
Living in this captivity
tragical naivity
waiting for the heaven
but when you need a strength

I´ll be there
when your smile will fade
I´ll be there
when you´re not in safe
I´ll be there
when you´ll be wherever
I´ll be there

The biggest storm in your life
and you have to be alone quite
but you don´t anticipate
I was there
´Cause I think about you everyday
Wherever I´ll be there


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Opat nam tato basnicka pripomina pesnicku. Tentoraz ale nie od Beatles, ale od Rolling Stones. Ich spevak Mick Jagger nas pozval na oslavu svojich 60. narodenin. Je o pol roka mladsi ako ja. Oslavoval ich v Prahe. Najprv koncertovali. Potom bola oficialna cast oslavy na ambasade. Neoficialna pokracovala na Vaclvaku v Pube. Byvali sme v hoteli Four Season v Prahe. Bolo to fajn.

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