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21.02.2007 - 13:18

My idioms (english poem)

My idioms

I was all set to pike
I found thorn in my side...
My sister stole my friend
and I can´t pretend
I am at peace with it.
I am not!
I´ve got sore throat
but it´s not the worse...

Have I wave
the white flag?
Or Do I add colour to that
Have I really wave
the white flag?

I was persuaded
we go hand in glove
but now I ´m not so sure.
You closed the door
before my very eyes
but I don´t understand why...

Do you pull my leg?
This is metaphore
but I hope you understand.
Do I get pink slip
of our friendship?

Am I your white elephant now?
I don´t understand how
it all went wrong.
I feel vulnerable
and I ask where
have I go now
to lonesome´s paradise?

This situation is not swell
I feel not very well.
I don´t know what I have to do
so I am playing with these words
and these idioms.
I have never felt so wrong.


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Tato basnicka nam pripomina pesnicku skupiny Sweet, blood and tears. Nazov skupiny suvisi s vyrokom Churchilla: Londýnsky British House of Commons. 13. máj 1940. Sir Winston Churchill prednesie svoj prejav: Blood, toil, tears, and sweat. V najťažších chvíľach Battle of Britain potom povedal: „Ešte nikdy nevďačil žiadny národ za svoju záchranu tak malému počtu ľudí ako teraz ...“ Boli to rytieri na stíhačkách a bombardéroch. Aj z Československa. Niektorí, čo sa vrátili do svojej vlasti, namiesto ocenenia svojich zásluh v boji za slobodu zažili iba poníženie a utrpenie.„It’s all aboutThe blood, the sweat, the tearsAttribute to the strengthBuilt through the years (…)These 3 words(Man got something to say)Blood, sweat, tears(Mop family)These 3 words(We went to the death; we knew he was dead and gone)”

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