Kope vás múza
06.11.2013 - 09:44

Brothers ’till the End - LYRICS

(tmavý bar, silní muži, tehlové steny, dym z cigariet a pripité ženy)


Now comes the end

hope it’s not painful

If this is really end

I’ll have to tell you...


Just be my friend

as always in danger

Just be my friend

I need to hold you...


I’m not the one who wants to loose

but now we’re using harder guns

There are still many things to do

but I can’t do ’em without you

I’m not the one who wants to loose

and I’m not so strong alone

There are still many things to do

Bro! I can’t do ’em without you.



We’re brothers ’till the end


Brothers ’till the end


I’m not the one who wants to loose

but we’ve walked the way of blood

There are still many things to do

but I can’t do ’em without you

I’m not the one who wants to loose

but death is not like a broken bone

There are still many things to do

Bro! I can’t do ’em without you.



We’re brothers ’till the end 

Brothers ’till the end

Brothers ’till the end

Brothers ’till the end


And this is that end

I’ve always been talking about 

This is that end

for me and you

But we’re still friends

as always in danger

We’re still friends

it’s all about me and you...


I’m not the one who wants to loose

but the fuckin’ Sun will start to fall

There are still many things to do

and I can’t do ’em without you

Now it is my time to choose

I’ve always been so weak alone

There are still many things to do

Bro! I can’t do ’em without you.



But your eyes are closed

...are closed tonight


Now, your eyes are closed

...are closed tonight


And I’m closing

...closing mine


And now I’m closing

...closing mine


we’re both closed

...are closed...

...are closed tonight



Pridať nový komentár

Tento text som kedysi (okolo roku 2010) napísal pre kapelu "Hypnose of Harmony

Žiaľ, ako to už býva, rozpadli sa skôr, než ju stihli presláviť. Smejúci sa 

Napriek tomu mi prišlo tohto textu ľúto, lebo je taktiež previazaný hlboko s mojím životom a vypovedá niečo o mne a mojom "soul-brother".

Dúfam, že vám angličtina nevadí. Úsmiaty


Prajem príjemné čítanie. A možno raz aj zhudobnenú verziu postnem.


S pozdravom,

Dušan Damián. 

škoda toho pekného textu, čo tak ju ponúknuť nejakej šikovnejšej a hlavne existujúcej kapele? :))



rozmýšľal som aj nad tým, ale musím sa dohodnúť s frontmanom, ktorý skladal hudbu, lebo hoci text je môj, vznikol k jeho melódii. 

no uvidíme, možno raz sa toho dočkáme. Úsmiaty


v každom prípade ďakujem za milý komentár. Potešil ma. 

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